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Xparkle PBOX GPS Performance Analyzer

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Med PBOX kan du nemt måle acceleration og bremselængde. PBOX har et præcist system med 10hz, som sender data 10 gange i sekundet! Du kan derefter analysere de data, du fanger, for at se, hvor du kan foretage forbedringer. Live information leveres til din mobil via PBOX-appen i Appstore eller Google Play. Enheden kommer med et 500mah LiPo batteri, der giver dig en brugstid på ca. 6 timer. Æsken er kun 6x3,8x1,5cm, lille og kompakt! Denne enhed er designet til brug på 1/1 bil!
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Product details in english
Test Your Drag Performance with PBOX
How many times have you been eager to accurately measure the performance of your vehicle? Now, Xparkle delivers an app-enabled GNSS Performance Analyzer in an affordable and compact option.

Effortlessly Measure Drag Data and Acceleration Metrics:
0-? Mile, 0-Œ Mile, 0-œ Mile, 0-1 Mile, 0-60 mph,0-120 mph, 0-180 mph Plus, Precise Braking Distance Analysis: 60-0 mph. Enhance your experience with options for custom measurements perfectly tailored to your specific needs! With PBOX, you can now monitor your performance data anytime, anywhere.

Mastering Performance with PBOX
Speed is crafted, not wished. Its mastered by the bold, those who demand precision in every turn, every acceleration. PBOX stands at the forefront of this pursuit, offering a transformative experience in vehicle performance optimization.

Modification: Perfection with Vehicles Dynamics
PBOX is more than a measuring tool; its an analyzer, optimizer, and a crucial partner in your journey of continuous improvement. It empowers you to analyze, adjust, and adapt, transforming both driver and machine into a formidable force on the track. With PBOX, make informed modifications that matter, pushing your vehicle beyond limits, safely and efficiently.

Tracking Two Satellite Constellations
The latest Ublox M8 GPS module harnesses a multi-GNSS system, allowing simultaneous reception of GPS and GLONASS signals. Our GNSS Performance Analyzer supports both GPS and GLONASS within the Global Navigation Satellite System, offering improved positional accuracy by tracking two satellite constellations instead of just GPS. With a 10 Hz update rate (ten times per second), it enables more detailed and higher-resolution vehicle tracking, providing trails with ten times the resolution compared to the conventional 1 Hz positioning update rate.
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