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Byggesæt af De Gaulles Horch 830 fra 1936, med en kopi af bilen brugt af den frie franske leder general Charles de Gaulle i en skala 1:35. Sættet består af 244 dele og indeholder 2 figurer og har blandt andet bevægelige døre og tagdele. Cobi klodser er kompatible med legoklodser.
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De Gaulles 1936 Horch 830
Var den næste og samtidig mest berømte bruger af denne bil general Charles de Gaulle, leder af de frie franskmænd, kommende leder af den franske regering og præsident. Horch 830 BL blev generalens yndlingsbil, brugt ved mange lejligheder. Måske til en vis grad fik følelsen for denne bil også de Gaulle til at afslutte den evige rivalisering mellem Frankrig og Tyskland. I 1963 underskrev han og den tyske kansler "Elysée-traktaten", som forpligtede begge lande til at samarbejde på mange områder. Underskrifterne fra præsident de Goulle og kansler Adenauer satte gang i processen med forsoning mellem nationer. Drivkraften bag ideen om et forenende Europa blev skabt!
Cobi De Gaulles 1936 Horch 830

ModelDe Gaulles 1936 Horch 830
SerieHistorisk samling WW2
Antal mursten244
Længde16 Cm
Bredde6 Cm
Højde5,5 Cm
Product details in english
De Gaulles Horch830BL is a set that brings with it a huge dose of history, which you can build with us, block by block!Sensationally reproduced in a 1:35 scale model, the car consists of 244 elements and complements the collection of vintage COBI cars. Bricks and figures depicting General Charles De Gaulle and the driver are covered with high-quality prints.

Horch is a German automotive company founded at the beginning of the 20th century in Zwickau (Saxony). From the very beginning, Horch cars were characterized by high quality, modern technical solutions and a great finish. In 1933, the luxury sedan "Horch 830" debuted on the market and became an instant hit. This prompted the manufacturer to release new variants of the car. In 1935, the Horch 830 B with a more powerful engine and the Horch 830 BL with an elongated body appeared.

Horch, like other companies, supplied vehicles for the military in the 1930s. Civil production was intended to a large extent for the needs of high-ranking officials. This 1936 Horch 830 BL car belonged to the Commander of Defense of Paris, General Dietrich von Choltitz. After the surrender of Paris in August 1944, the car fell into the hands of the Allies.

The next and at the same time the most famous user of this car was General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French, future head of the French government and president. The Horch 830 BL became the generals favorite car, used on many occasions. Perhaps, to some extent, the sentiment for this car also prompted de Gaulle to end the eternal rivalry between France and Germany. In 1963, together with the German chancellor, he signed the "Elysée Treaty", which obligated both countries to cooperate in many areas. The signatures of President de Goulle and Chancellor Adenauer initiated a process of reconciliation between nations. The driving force for the idea of ??a uniting Europe was created!
  • 85 high-quality components
  • Produced in the EU by a company with over 20 years of tradition
  • Meets the safety standards for products for children
  • Fully compatible with other brands of construction blocks
  • Blocks with prints do not scratch or smear and do not fade during play or under the influence of temperature
  • Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and step-step directions
  • Mere info på engelsk
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