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Byggesæt af den amerikanske F4F Wildcat i skala 1:32. Sættet består af 375 dele og kommer med undervogn, bevægeligt ror og propel, stativ med navneplade og en figur baseret på en amerikansk pilot. Cobi klodser er kompatible med legoklodser.
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Northrop F4F WildcatVar et hangarskibsjagerfly fra 2. verdenskrig fra USAs flåde bygget på Grumman-anlægget. Da USA gik ind i krigen i 1941, var Wildcats den amerikanske flådes primære luftfartøjsbaserede jagerfly og erstattede gradvist de ældre fly fra baseeskadronerne. Wildcat var den eneste jagerbeskyttelse for den amerikanske flåde. I Stillehavet var de vigtigste modstandere af Wildcat de japanske Mitsubishi A6M jagerfly, populært kendt som "Zero".
Cobi Northrop F4F Wildcat

ModelGrumman F4F Wildcat
SerieHistorisk samling WW2
Antal mursten375
Længde27,5 Cm
Vingefang35,5 Cm
Højde10,5 Cm
Product details in english
The Grumman F4F Wildcat was a US Navy deck fighter from the Second World War built at the Grumman plant. When the US entered the war in 1941, the Wildcats were the US Navys primary deck fighters and were gradually replacing the older aircraft from the base squadrons. Wildcats were the only fighter protection for the US fleet. In the Pacific, the main opponents of the Wildcats were the Japanese Mitsubishi A6M fighters, popularly known as "Zero".

The aircraft developed by COBI received the historic colors of the pilot who became the first fighter ace of the American Navy! Particularly noteworthy are such historical details as the emblem with the cat Felix and the number of victories placed next to the cockpit.

The plane, designed in a scale of 1:32, was released under the license of the Northrop Grumman aviation company! It has a movable propeller, ailerons and rotating wheels with rubber tires. The cockpit can be opened to place a heroic pilot figure at the controls. The plane has been covered with high-quality prints that do not wear off even during intensive use. Stickers are completely dispensed with in this set. The prints reflect the historical markings and equipment of the aircraft from the Pacific War period.

The set also includes a special stand, which makes the display of the model more attractive, and a plate with the name of the plane. The plane is also a perfect complement to the Historical Collection and a perfect pair for the already-released Mitsubishi A6m2 "ZERO-SEN" set.
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