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Byggesæt af den tyske Junkers JU-87 B Stuka i skala 1:32. Sættet består af 514 dele og kommer med undervogn, bevægeligt ror og roterende dæk og propel, imiterede bomber og kanoner, stativ med navneskilt og to tyske piloter. Cobi klodser er kompatible med legoklodser.
PS! Produktteksten er maskineoversat fra norsk.

Junkers JU-87 B StukaEr et af de mest genkendelige fly fra Anden Verdenskrig. Den blev første gang fløjet i 1935, men bestod sin ilddåb i 1938 under den spanske borgerkrig. I tysk propaganda blev det et symbol på Luftwaffes magt. Maskinen blev med succes brugt under kampene i Polen, Skandinavien, Frankrig, Kreta og under "Barbarossa"-operationen. Junkere dukkede dog ikke op under slaget om Storbritannien i luften. Efterhånden som Tyskland mistede luftoverlegenheden til de allierede, mindskedes JU 87'erens rolle. Uden støtte fra Stukaerne var de lette mål. JU 87 B var den første masseproducerede serie af dette fly. I 1944 var der i alt produceret omkring 6.500 maskiner af denne type.
Cobi Junkers JU-87 B Stuka

ModelJunkers JU-87 B Stuka
SerieHistorisk samling WW2
Antal mursten514
Længde34,5 Cm
Vingefang42,5 Cm
Højde12 Cm
Product details in english
The Ju 87 dive bomber is one of the most recognizable aircraft of the Second World War. It was first flown in 1935, but passed its baptism of fire in 1938 during the Spanish Civil War. In German propaganda it became a symbol of the power of the Luftwaffe. The machine was successfully used during the battles fought in Poland, Scandinavia, France, Crete and during the "Barbarossa" operation. The Junkers, however, did not prove themselves during the Battle of Britain in the air. As Germany lost air superiority to the Allies, the role of JU 87 decreased. Without the cover of the Stukas fighters they were easy targets. The JU 87 B was the first mass-produced series of this aircraft. By 1944, a total of about 6,500 machines of this type had been produced.

The plane, modeled on a scale of 1:32, has a movable propeller, ailerons and rotating wheels with rubber tires. The cockpit can be opened to place a pilot figure and a gunner/radio operator at the controls. The plane has been covered with high-quality prints that do not rub off even during intensive use. Stickers are not included in this set. The prints reflect the historical painting and equipment of the aircraft during the Pacific War.

The set also includes a special stand, which makes the display of the model more attractive, and a plate with the name of the plane. The JU 87 plane is a perfect complement to our collection of WWII airplanes! The set will delight not only young history enthusiasts, but most of all adult collectors and fans of military technology.Build history, piece by piece, with COBI.
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