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Byggesæt til Citroen 2CV, en ægte fransk klassiker, her i skala 1:12. Sættet består af i alt 1465 dele og har mulighed for at åbne døre, motorrum, bagagerum og dreje hjulene. Når den er færdig, vil bilen også have et skalainteriør. Modellen er licenseret af Citroen. Cobi klodser er kompatible med legoklodser.
PS! Produktteksten er maskineoversat fra norsk.

Citroen 2CV CharlestonBlev et ikon for den franske bilindustri. Bilen blev designet før krigen. Dens skabelse er forbundet med behovet for at producere en enkel og billig bil til masserne, i tråd med firmaets direktør Pierre Boulangers slogan, "quatre roues sous un parapluie" (fire hjul under en paraply). Bilen var maksimalt forenklet, økonomisk og tillod komfortabel transport af 4 personer med bagage. Kåret som den grimmeste bil i verden ved Paris-salonen i 1948, blev den et objekt af begær, i modsætning til kritikernes meninger. I løbet af 41 års produktion blev der produceret næsten 4 millioner eksemplarer på fabrikker rundt om i verden. I dag har denne bil kultstatus og er en godbid for samlere. I 1980 fandt premieren på en speciel version af den ikoniske Citroen 2CV-bil sted! The Limited Charleston blev lavet i kun 8.000 eksemplarer! Bilen var kendetegnet ved et attraktivt, karakteristisk tofarvet karrosseri og interiør.
Cobi Citroen 2CV Charleston

ModelCitroen 2CV Charleston
SerieKlassiske biler
Antal mursten1465
Længde30,5 Cm
Bredde13 Cm
Højde13 Cm
Product details in english
The legend of European motoring in a block edition! Prepared under the original CITROEN license, the 2CV Charleston model was developed in a 1:12 scale and consists of 1465 elements. The model is 30.5 cm long, opening doors, access to the engine compartment and trunk! You can look inside, admire the brick-built look of the engine and use the working steering wheel to turn the wheels. The interior has been carefully reproduced using high-quality prints! You will not find stickers in this model! The construction is simple and intuitive. For your convenience, we have divided the instructions into stages, and the blocks into matching, numbered bags! This historic car is perfect for anyone, regardless of age, who is passionate about cars, history and technology! Complete your collection, build a story,

The Citroen 2CV has become an icon of French motoring. Produced and improved continuously in the years 1949-1990 The car was designed before the war. Its creation is related to the need to produce a simple and cheap car for the masses, in accordance with the slogan thrown by the companys director Pierre Boulanger "quatre roues sous un parapluie" (four wheels under an umbrella). The car was maximally simplified, economical and allowed comfortable transport of 4 people with luggage. Baptized the ugliest car in the world at the Paris Salon in 1948, contrary to the assessment of critics, it became an object of desire. For 41 years of production, nearly 4 million copies were made in factories around the world. Today, this car has cult status and is a collectors item. In 1980, the premiere of a special version of the iconic Citroen 2CV car took place! The limited Charleston was made in only 8,000 copies! The car was distinguished by an attractive two-tone exterior and interior trim.
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