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Balsa og krydsfiner
VQ P-38 Tomahawk, leveret som ARF komplet med belægning, klar til montering af elektronik og motor.
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Vingefang1900 Mm
Længde1200 Mm
Anbefalet motor.60 Størrelse 2-takts..90 størrelse 4-takts eller tilsvarende benzin- eller elmotor
Vægt3,7-4,1 Kg
PropelAfhænger af opsætning
Modelstørrelse.60 Størrelse

Nødvendigt tilbehør
  • Radio og modtager med 7+ kanaler
  • Motor layout
  • Servo: 9 (8 med elektrisk opsætning)
  • Batteri(er)
  • Forskellige lime
  • Product details in english
    P-38 Tomahawk (60 size EP-GP)The Tomahawk is a single-engined low-wing cantilever monoplane with a T-tail and an enclosed cabin for two. It has a fixed tricycle landing gear and is powered by a Lycoming O-235 four-cylinder piston engine with a twin-bladed tractor propeller. The Tomahawk has two front-hinged doors for access to the cabin.The Tomahawk was Pipers attempt at creating an affordable two-place trainer. Before designing the aircraft, Piper widely surveyed flight instructors for their input into the design. Instructors requested a more spinnable aircraft for training purposes, since other two-place trainers such as the Cessna 150 and 152 were designed to spontaneously fly out of a spin. The Tomahawks NASA GA(W)-1 Whitcomb airfoil addresses this requirement by making specific pilot input necessary in recovering from spins, thus allowing pilots to develop proficiency in dealing with spin recovery.The Tomahawk was introduced in 1977 as a 1978 model. The aircraft was in continuous production until 1982 when production was completed, with 2,484 aircraft built.VQ Models introduced the PA-38 Tomhawk in size 60 , this is a popular size when you have a lot to choose from , you can go for a Nitro engine 60-2 stroke , an 82 ? 4 stroke nitro engine or a 10cc gasoline engine . You can also use an electric motor (like the Boost 60) and easily install a 5S - 5000 AmH battery. And no matter what you attach, this PA-38 still flies like a lowing trainer.Features:- All balsa and lite-ply construction- Fiberglass cowling- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed- Detailed cockpit- Aluminium landing gear- Detail Cockpit with 3D Printed Full Body Pilot - 3D Scale Printed Pilot Seat - Canopy reinstalled - Battery hatch - Two piece wing with aluminium tube wing joinerSpecifications:- Wingspan: 1900mm- Fuse Length: 1200mm- Weight: 3,7-4,1 kg- Nitro Engine required : .65 - (2 stroke) or .82-91 (4 stroke)- Gas Engine required : 10cc- Radio req : 7 channels with 8 servos- Standard Servo : 4 pcs ( 2 for Aileron , 1 for rudder , 1 for nose gear )- 19 Grams servo : 4 pcs ( 2 for elevator , 2 for flap ( and 1 for throttle if use nitro engine )- Electric Motor : Boost 60- Battery : Lipo 4-5S /5500 mAhIncludes:- Gear assembly- Wheels- Aluminium wing joiner- Aluminium landing gear- Decals and all hardware- Engine mounts- Fuel tank- Motor mount
    Mere info på engelsk


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