Produkt information
VQT-28 Trojan leveres som ARF i balsa- og krydsfinerkonstruktion med færdigbelægning, glasfiberkappe og pilot. Modellen leveres uden elektronik og motoropsætning så denne skal købes separat og monteres, moderat montering af modellen er også nødvendig.
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Vingefang: 1770 mmLængde: 1350 mmFlyvevægt: 5,4-5,9 kgMotorstørrelse: 0,91 (2-takts)/1,00-1,20 (4-takts)/20cc benzin eller tilsvarende elmotorMinimum radiosystem: 9 kanaler, 9 servoer
Ingen elektronik eller motor er inkluderet i dette sæt, det skal købes separat.
Product details in english
T-28 Trojan (120 size EP-GP)
The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan is a radial-engine military trainer aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation and used by the United States Air Force and United States Navy beginning in the 1950s. Besides its use as a trainer, the T-28 was successfully employed as a counter-insurgency aircraft, primarily during the Vietnam War. It has continued in civilian use as an aerobatics and warbird performer.
The largest single concentration of this aircraft was employed by the U.S. Navy at Naval Air Station Whiting Field in Milton, Florida, in the training of student naval aviators. The T-28s service career in the U.S. military ended with the completion of the phase-in of the T-34C turboprop trainer. The last U.S. Navy training squadron to fly the T-28 was VT-27 "Boomers", based at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi, Texas, flying the last T-28 training flight in early 1984. The last T-28 in the Training Command, BuNo 137796, departed for Naval District Washington on 14 March 1984 to be displayed permanently at Naval Support Facility Anacostia, D.C
VQ Model introduces the T-28 Trojan in the most popular size (120 size). You have a lot of power options, from nitro 2-stroke 95, nitro 4-stroke 110, gas 17cc, electric motor (Boost 60) and even fit with Saito FG-19R3 Radial engine . And with lots of scale details 3D printed like the pilot (full body ) , steering wheel , seats ... All will make your T-28 the most scaled T-28 ARF in your flying field.
- Fully covered in weathered detail
- All balsa and lite-ply construction
- Fiberglass cowling
- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed
- 3D printed full body painted canopy
- 3D printed scale seat
- 3D printed cockpit detail
- All main gear door and Nose gear door operation
- Wingspan: 1770mm
- Fuse Length: 1350mm
- Weight: 5.4-5.9 kg
- Nitro Engine required : .95 - (2 stroke) or 100-120 (4 stroke)
- Gas Engine required : 17-20cc -2 stroke or 21cc -2 stroke
-Radial Engine : Saito FG-19 R3 or FA-120 R3
-Electric motor : Boost 60 ? 800 watt
-Battery :Lipo Battery 6S 5500mAh
-Propeller : 15 x6 ? 15 x8
-Radio req : 9 channels with 9 servos
-Standard servo : 2x Aileron ,2x Elevator , 1x Rudder , 1x Nose Gear
-19 grams servo : 2 x Flaps , 1 x main gear door , ( 1 x throttle for engine )
- Gear assembly - Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Wheels
- Aluminium wing joiner
- Decals and all hardware
- Engine mounts
- Fuel tank
Electric retracts with struts (VQ=ARE33)
Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line
Mere info på engelsk
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