90 cm lang!
3136 byggeklodser
Skala detaljer
Byggesæt til det tyske hangarskib Zeppelin. Sættet består af i alt 3136 dele og har en længde på 89,5 cm! Sættet indeholder også et stativ, fly i mikroskala, redningsbåde, hæve/sænke rampe til mikroflyene og andre hårde bevægelige dele! Cobi klodser er kompatible med legoklodser.
PS! Produktteksten er maskineoversat fra norsk.
Graf ZeppelinEr det eneste hangarskib i tysk historie. Byggeriet begyndte den 28. december 1936 i Kiel. På ordre fra Adolf Hitler blev arbejdet standset i 1943 på trods af fremskridtene i byggeriet på over 90%. Dette skyldtes tilbagetrækningen af alle store enheder efter slaget ved Barentshavet. Hangarskibet blev bugseret til Stettin, hvor brugbart udstyr blev demonteret.
Byggeriet blev aldrig afsluttet. I begyndelsen af 1945, af frygt for den Røde Hærs fremrykning, blev luftfartsselskabet delvist sænket og beskudt af artilleri. I sommeren 1945 blev det hævede og delvist reparerede skib indlemmet i Sovjetunionen. Det var dog ikke berettiget til renovering. I 1947 fungerede hun som målskib og blev sænket i Østersøen. I 2006 blev skibsvraget lokaliseret 55 km nord for Wladyslawowo. Den hviler i en dybde på 87 meter.
Product details in english
Using a set of COBI construction blocks, you will build a model of the legendary German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin. The model was designed on a standard scale of 1:300. A record-breaking set consisting of as many as 3,136 blocks will provide many hours of exciting construction. This is a new release with improvements in the form of a new brown deck tile color. The design of the chimney has also changed. The high-quality prints used precisely reproduce the painting of the deck and details of the ship from World War II. The prints do not wear off even with intensive use. For the first time in the COBI model, a working elevator for aircraft was designed, located directly in the deck. Using a knob located in the invisible lower part of the fuselage, you can raise and lower the elevator with the plane placed on it. The model includes 8 block micro on-board planes, which are made in new colors. The set also includes a special transparent block that, when attached to the base, can imitate a plane taking off.
The Graf Zeppelin aircraft carrier can be displayed on the included display stand, which includes a plaque with the name and scale of the model. This advanced and exclusive collectorŽs set will certainly satisfy both big and small fans of navy, history and modeling.
Graf Zeppelin is the only aircraft carrier in GermanyŽs history. Its construction began on December 28, 1936 in Kiel. On Adolf HitlerŽs orders, work was stopped in 1943, despite the construction progress being over 90%. This was related to the withdrawal of all large vessels after the Battle of the Barents Sea. The aircraft carrier was towed to Szczecin, where useful equipment was dismantled. Its construction was never completed. In early 1945, fearing the advances of the Red Army, the aircraft carrier was partially sunk and shelled by artillery. In the summer of 1945, the ship was raised and temporarily sealed and incorporated into the USSR Navy. However, it was not qualified for renovation. In 1947, she served as a target ship and was sunk in the Baltic Sea. In 2006, the shipwreck was located 55 km north of W?adys?awowo. It rests at a depth of 87 m.
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