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PowerBox Competition SHV

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Produkt information

TFT skærm
3-8S LiPo
22 kanaler
XT60 stik
SHV står for Super High Voltage, og - som udtrykket indikerer - Competition SHV opererer med væsentligt højere spændinger end tidligere 8,4V systemer. Enheden kan håndtere indgangsspændinger på op til 35V, som så sendes videre til servoerne i et redundant arrangement. Leveres med TFT display og SensorSwitch.
PS! Produktteksten er maskineoversat fra norsk.

Strømforsyning3-8S LiPo eller Li-Ion
Strømforsyning slået til170MA med 20V
Strømforbrug i standby40 MikroA
Maksimal effekt2X20A (<30s 2x40A)<30s)
Spændingen ude8,4V/10V til modtagere, periferiudstyr og fire servoer
Signal indSeriel
Bakker opPowerBox, Futaba, Jeti, Spektrum, Multiplex, Graupner
Product details in english
The Competition SHV is the latest member of the PowerBox product family, and has been developed to take into account the requirements of the latest generation of servos, with their ever-rising power and speed. SHV stands for Super High Voltage, and - as the term indicates - the Competition SHV operates with significantly higher voltages than previous 8.4V systems. The unit can cope with input voltages of up to 35V, which is then passed on to the servos in a redundant arrangement. The advantage is obvious: for a given servo power the current carried by the servo cable is correspondingly reduced. For example, a servo drawing a current of 6A using 8.4V technology will only draw 2A using 25.2V technology and a 6S power supply.The lower current drain results in the following scenarios:

The unit is fitted with two redundant DC/DC converters for the two receivers,gyro, additional telemetry sensors and up to four servos; they generate a regulated voltage of 8.4V andcan cope with loads of up to 10A.
Mere info på engelsk
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